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Why Revision Surgery is Sometimes Needed After Bariatric Procedures

When you’re struggling with your weight, bariatric surgery can offer the best results for losing those extra pounds. Unfortunately, you may need an additional procedure, or bariatric revision surgery, after your initial treatment. 

At Southern Nevada Bariatrics in Las Vegas, Dr. Mustafa Ahmed brings more than 20 years of experience as a bariatric surgeon to men and women around Southern Nevada. If you’ve had a bariatric procedure, here’s what you need to know about revision surgery and when it might be right for you.

Taking a closer look at revision surgery

If Dr. Ahmed recommends revision surgery, he’s not describing a specific surgical procedure but a general solution to address your bariatric issue. That’s because there are several types of bariatric surgery revision techniques that Dr. Ahmed might perform, depending on your specific problem. 

Commonly performed bariatric revision surgeries include:

  • Removing and replacing a loosened or slipped gastric band
  • Restoring a gastric sleeve that has stretched
  • Replacing a gastric band or sleeve with a gastric bypass or duodenal switch
  • Reducing a stomach pouch that has expanded after a gastric bypass

To determine the best solution for your revision surgery, Dr. Ahmed performs a comprehensive exam to identify your specific bariatric issue.

When to consider revision surgery

It can be hard enough deciding to have one bariatric procedure, but revision surgery, too? Even though no one wants to go through surgery, there are several reasons to consider another procedure.

Stalled weight loss

Dr. Ahmed offers different types of bariatric surgeries from sleeve gastrectomy to gastric bypass procedures. And each technique provides different results, especially from person to person. 

If your first procedure didn’t yield enough weight loss, Dr. Ahmed might recommend revision surgery to try a different bariatric technique to restart your weight loss and help you reach your goals.

Weight gain

Bariatric surgeries encourage weight loss by limiting the calories you absorb, reducing the amount of food you eat, or a combination of both. But they’re not a cure for obesity. As a result, it’s possible to regain weight over time. When this happens, Dr. Ahmed can determine if an additional procedure can help you get the results you’re looking for.

Side effects or complications from your first procedure

If you have adverse issues after bariatric surgery, like recurring abdominal pain, vomiting, or reflux, it might be time for revision surgery. Dr. Ahmed can either address any complications from your bariatric surgery, like an ulcer or hernia, or perform a different bariatric technique to relieve your symptoms.

To see if bariatric revision surgery is right for you, call us at Southern Nevada Bariatrics at 702-637-1975, or you can request a consultation using our online booking feature. You can also send us a message here on our website.